50th Reunion Book – August 1980

Note: Most of the textual material has been preserved from the original booklet with editing or formatting only to make the presentation easier to follow on the screen. Photos have not been included as it would be difficult to reproduce them from the booklet with sufficient quality. As time permits, appropriate photos will be added.


Fifty Years of Camping Reflections and Recollections

This booklet is an attempt to capture some of the Hector story. No doubt much of it will be missed in the necessary brevity of the enterprise, but we have attempted to cover some of the major highlights of its development, its existence.

While some names will be mentioned, others will be missed. We beg your forgiveness for this, but the truth of the matter is that there have been so many people involved that it is impossible to do everyone justice.

It is difficult to acknowledge all contributors to this, since many writers of documents and information from which we have quoted are not identified. Our thanks to them whoever they are. Specifically, we wish to thank the Board of the Calgary Y.M.C.A., the Advisory Council of the Rocky Mountain Y.M.C.A. and Gary Luthy and his staff who are Camp Chief Hector today. Thanks as well to the Camp Directors who have assisted and Glenbow Alberta Institute.

I wish to extend a special note of thanks to the Reunion Committee for a tremendous job on the reunion and this booklet. They are Jack Cheal, Wayne Cooper, George Garbutt, Alan Gardner, Bob Kelly and George Taylor.

Finally, this booklet is dedicated to all of you who have touched and have been touched by Camp Chief Hector

Roger Tierney, Author and Editor
August 1980


Origins of Camp Chief Hector

Camping in the Thirties

Camping in the Forties

Camping in the Fifties 

Camping in the Sixties

Roger Tierney, Bill Kelly and Jennifer Douglas circa 1964 or 1965 in front of the fireplace at Hector Lodge. Roger is pulling the hair on the stuffed moose.
Roger Tierney, Bill Kelly and Jennifer Douglas circa 1964 or 1965. Other than drinking coffee we have no idea of what they are doing!

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